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The Girl with the Scarf Empty The Girl with the Scarf

9/30/2014, 8:06 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
'The Girl and the Scarf' was a project started by me sometime during March of 2013. Over the course of two years, a lot has been changed, redone, and replanned. I've gone through many engines, and many character designs for this game. I'm still going at it. 

So what's the plan?

I plan to finish this game, even if it takes me forever. My goal was originally to finish a project, and I'm choosing to stick by this one. 

But what about all of the work you previously done?

If you didn't know, it was originally coded in Gamemaker Studio, which is really not the best software out there. It's good, but not great. Plus, it doesn't really use any major language that other applications use, like C#, C++, Python, Java, etc. GML is limited, clunky and not well documented. Also the fact that GM:S itself is not very reliable. I've had it crash countless times trying to save, or just editing a line of code. I'm moving away from it.

So what will you be coding TGWTS in then?

My plan is to code it in C#. I'm not exactly sure which framework I will be using as of yet, but I've been experimenting. I'm currently looking towards XNA/Monogame and Unity. 

What is the game about?

The story has to be rewritten, but I can give a brief short intro to what it would be like, though it is subject to change.

"The sun shone brightly above our fair land of [LAND]. The recent raging wars have ended, and everyone was at peace. Suddenly, the sky grew dark, wind started picking up, and people started vanishing. This is what I have been told, and I tried to stay out of whatever was happening, but I was inevitably dragged right into the middle of it all..."

The game is meant out to be an Action Platformer, with some RPG elements and puzzles as well. Most of the focus is Action and Platforming however. 

Who are the characters?

There are two confirmed main characters, and possibly another less important character confirmed. The main protagonist goes by the name of Bufanda. 
The Girl with the Scarf File.php?avatar=91_1424847054

Do you have any screenshots?

Of the new engine? No, not currently, as it was just recently started and won't be polished for a little while. Older screenshots, I do have, but they aren't going to be accurate.

Why are you taking so long to release this game??!?!? I want to play it now!!

Please bear with me. I am a very busy individual, who goes to college, and tries to work, while drawing and coding while I can. Because of many technical difficulties, limitations, etc, I've been pushed way behind actual schedule for this game. Fear not though, as I do plan on finishing it!

Last edited by XerX on 2/26/2015, 1:39 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Major post update.)
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

9/30/2014, 8:23 pm
Did you add screenshots or they just won't load for me?
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

9/30/2014, 8:26 pm
This looks interesting. I'll give it a try when I get comp access again.
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

9/30/2014, 8:26 pm
Ice wrote:Did you add screenshots or they just won't load for me?
Yes there are screenshots. I'm not sure why they wont load for you.
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

9/30/2014, 9:26 pm
Huh. Looks pretty cool. I'll try this as soon as I find my keyboard.

Ice wrote:Did you add screenshots or they just won't load for me?
They're working for me.
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

11/8/2014, 2:28 am
The Girl with the Scarf V3sqsi9
The Girl with the Scarf GFTqA3R

HUD update. Might be updated in the near future with better graphics. Red bar represents HP, while the pink bar represents Energy (or MP).
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

2/25/2015, 9:23 am
#notdead #IwillNeverHashtagAgain

The Girl with the Scarf NV2MVyz

Yes, this project isn't dead. No, I haven't really been working on it. But, I'm making this my project for school as well, so now this is one of my main priorities.

This project's been down a long road already. It's kinda funny how long something can take, even if you think you've planned it all out at the start.

I mean like, look at the changes in the character alone!
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

2/26/2015, 1:43 pm
I like the changes you made. Nice sprites, good luck!
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The Girl with the Scarf Empty Re: The Girl with the Scarf

2/26/2015, 5:28 pm
i see what you did with the protagonists name, Im Dead as a redead to play-....wiat redeads aren't dead, anyways you get the point Waiting to play.
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