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Acorn Plains Way Empty Acorn Plains Way

2/10/2013, 4:25 pm
Hi guys! Today I come with a level that we (me and my gf, fallbick) worked hard for one week.
Here are some screenies that will show you how is the level:
Download it here: Acorn Plains Way [Link removed]
*NOTE: Sorry if in the file called 'Credits' aren't all the credits that should be there.
Well... my gf said that I may show some tips, secrets and the location of the Star coins.
And here are:
Star Coins Location:
Tips and Secrets:
That's all guys! Hope you enjoy our level.
Message from fallbick: Enjoy our level! :)
If you can't see the full screenshots, open them in another tab or another window.

Last edited by rahr480 on 5/17/2013, 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/10/2013, 6:05 pm
wow, i like so much this level, very good job, :DD
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/12/2013, 11:20 am
Review time:
Design: 4/5
First the thing way importante. This level is prety well designed. It realy could be a level in nsmb ds/wii/wii u Wii U would be the best though =P But it could use more bgos like bushes and stuff. The gimmicks you used are briliant! though the underground thing where the tiles disapeare part could use a bgo that is the darker coloured version of the ground. It would be realy cool if you do.
Graphics: 5/5
I totaly love these kazzoo styled graphics. So 5/5 :)
Gameplay; 3.5/5
The level was a bit short. And the disapearing block underground part can be buggy sometimes. I died there twice without a reason. But the secrets you added are awesome.
Music: 5/5
Yup this theme fits in a nsmbu level ;)
Overall: 17.5/20
A very good level, I like it a lot. I always wanted to play nsmbu and this level gives it the feeling I am.
So I would recommend this to other poeple to download and play it.
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/12/2013, 1:31 pm
Oh wow.. Looks like the original level..
Must.. Play.. Dis!

Im gonna donwload this now n_n

Greetings n_n

Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/12/2013, 7:01 pm
The Kazzoo Styled Graphics are combined with mine to make the perfect combination. And thanks for the review.
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/12/2013, 10:27 pm
Btw.. I Played the level..

Its Nice! Only thing that the first 2 Coins are way to.. Ehem.. Err..

There a bug on a secret way.. when you get out its traps you in the wall.. i used the Shadow star cheat to get out.. But overall nice level :D
Squishy Rex
Squishy Rex
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/13/2013, 7:46 am
I agree entirely with Dark Yoshi. It is very well done especially the hidden underground sections, even if they are slightly glitchy. But hey that is the first time I have ever seen anyone actually make that so glitches should be expected. Anyway well done to both you and fallbick.
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

2/14/2013, 5:05 am
CosmicLuigi8 wrote:There a bug on a secret way.. when you get out its traps you in the wall.. i used the Shadow star cheat to get out.. But overall nice level Acorn Plains Way 364988687

That happened to me! Thankfully I didn't get trapped but I was close to it.
Jams - ADventuresVDO
Jams - ADventuresVDO
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

3/18/2013, 10:42 pm
Can I use this for a level composition I am making?

Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

3/19/2013, 10:15 pm
Yes you can.
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Acorn Plains Way Empty Re: Acorn Plains Way

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