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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/15/2013, 10:44 pm
Hope this is the right spot to do this...
So yeah when I was on the nsmbx  I notice something
there was a NSMBU graphics pack but no NSMB2 pack 
link for if you dont know what Im talking about

So yeah Im trying to make a NSMB2 graphics pack.So since this is my first time doing something like this im not sure if ill end up being able to finish it.

So I atleast want to make it to 50 graphics
so start sending me your NSMB2 graphics and start making some aswell

squishy rex
turnip the boo

The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Screen42_zps29a09c14

The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Screen43_zps779356d4

The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Screen44_zps010242c7
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Last edited by xtremgamer51 on 7/19/2013, 9:31 am; edited 6 times in total
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/17/2013, 6:42 pm
Screen shot has been added
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 2:27 pm
xtremgamer51 wrote:Screen shot has been added
WOW... I see stolen stuff... but PLEASE put the screenshots in a spoiler. :P
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 2:43 pm
Its not suppose to be my graphics its suppose to be a pack with all the nsmb2 graphics that people have made like the Red yoshis graphics pack and it was the same with the NSMBU graphics pack but I did credit and I am aslo planning to do graphics for it as well
Carlos Rank
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 8:23 pm
Starz Lol wrote:
xtremgamer51 wrote:Screen shot has been added
WOW... I see stolen stuff... but PLEASE put the screenshots in a spoiler. :P

You haven´t read the main post, right?
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 9:23 pm
I guess not :V not just that but I put a link for the nsmb U whitch the guy that made it did the exact same thing that im doing.

Anyways I need helpers you know like people that help me find gfx and maby even help with making them so if anyone wants to help me tell me and Ill add you to a list that I put all the people that help with the pack

Im actully having two parts one part has people that help me find gfx and one that has people that help by making some gfx whitch I will try to find things like sprite sheets to help them
Jams - ADventuresVDO
Jams - ADventuresVDO
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 9:34 pm
I find it a good idea that you are doing this!  Keep it up!

As for you, Starz, if you post in a way that is rather insulting or sort of half-thought, you get a warning.  This was rather obvious.
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 9:37 pm
Thanks ADventuresVDO!

aslo...wth happend to the other screenshot...are you telling me that when I wrote that list it became you know gone well...ok then...I guess I have...GO TO MA PHOTOBUCKET!

EDIT:ok screenshots back up also just leting you all know that theres aslo gonna be a folder were I cotain custom stuff that are not in NSMB2 but In the style of it like for example even though the king whomp squishy rex made is not in NSMB2 he made the king whomp in the style of the whomps from NSMB2 so its still gonna be in the pack
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

7/18/2013, 10:30 pm
I have added a new screenshot

It has a picture of a smb3 style moon coin made by someone called turnip the boo and it aslo shows something thats gonna be in the custom stuff folder witch is the NSMB2 style king whomp by squishy rex
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The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP) Empty Re: The NSMB2 graphics pack (WIP)

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