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    Amiibrawl's Return (Amiibrawl 25)

    Newbie Member

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    Amiibrawl's Return (Amiibrawl 25) Empty Amiibrawl's Return (Amiibrawl 25)

    Post by Supernova384 1/24/2018, 3:07 pm


    Send your entries to Amiibrawl@gmail.com. Bins are due Jan 26 (12am, so technically no later than the 25th)
      1 Amiibo per person
     No Mac
     No Explosive shield
     No Crit Hit
     No Item bonuses
     Stats must equal 120 across Atk/Def/Spd

    Please do not forget to include your Bracket Name, Type of Amiibo, and Twitter handle with your entry.
    Ex: TMac
     Thank you and Good Luck to everyone!!

      Current date/time is 6/1/2024, 7:43 am