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    About my email...

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    About my email... Empty About my email...

    Post by Nickural 8/17/2017, 4:41 pm

    Greetings! It seems that there's people sending me emails about some stuff, I would like to clarify that:
    - Nothing Non-Amiibo related, unless if I'm sending/receiving the email for help/other reasons.
    - No advertisements about tournaments, I appreciate letting me know about them, but as of recent I have been busy with balancing school and other stuff, so I'm most likely not going to enter tournaments for a while. And still, I don't want it on my email in the first place, if you need/want to send advertisements about tournaments, there is a messaging system on twitter, discord, and on these forums as well.

    I thank you for taking your time to read this.

      Current date/time is 6/1/2024, 10:04 am